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Evidence-Based Best Practices for Health and Fitness Professionals:

Bridging the Gap Between the Physical Therapy Perspective Of Safety and Personal Training Programming

Welcome to our evidence-based personal training course, where we bridge the gap between physical therapy and fitness training. Led by Patty Durell, our program equips fitness professionals with the skills to create safer and more effective training programs.

Join Our Next Class!

Sunday, August 4, 2024, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM.

Secure Your Spot Now for $139!

Early Bird Rate: Save 30% Off the Regular Price of $199 and Transform Your Approach to Fitness!

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Evidence-Based Best Practices for Health and Fitness Professionals - Bridging the Gap Between the Physical Therapy Perspective Of Safety and Personal Training

Elevate Your Approach to Fitness and Personal Training with Safety First

Welcome to an innovative opportunity at Rock Solid Fitness, where you can enhance your personal training with a focus on safety inspired by physical therapy practices.

Led by Patty Durell, our CEO, a licensed physical therapist assistant, master-level personal trainer, and certified conditioning specialist, we’re excited to introduce the “Evidence-Based Best Practices for Health and Fitness Professionals” course. This program is crafted to enrich your personal training practices by incorporating proven safety techniques from physical therapy, ensuring you can deliver effective fitness programs with an emphasis on client well-being.

This course is designed to equip fitness professionals with the knowledge and skills to integrate safety-focused physical therapy practices into their training routines. By doing so, we aim to improve the overall safety and effectiveness of fitness programs, making them more aligned with the careful planning and execution seen in physical therapy.

By focusing on evidence-based practices, this course offers a comprehensive approach that bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, enhancing both the safety and effectiveness of personal training.

Participants will learn to:

  • Assess client needs with a focus on safety and injury prevention.
  • Apply physical therapy principles to design fitness programs that minimize the risk of injury.
  • Enhance their training protocols to incorporate a health-first approach, promoting long-term well-being.

By enrolling in this course, you’re not just learning new techniques; you’re stepping up to meet the growing demand for fitness professionals who prioritize safety and scientifically-backed practices in their training sessions.

Join us to elevate your career and help your clients achieve their fitness goals safely and effectively. This course will provide you with the tools and knowledge to stand out in the fitness industry, promoting a health-focused approach to personal training.

The Growing Demand for Skilled and Informed Personal Trainers

In today’s fitness industry, the importance of safety and effectiveness in personal training is more recognized than ever. Healthcare providers are cautious about referring patients to personal trainers without strong assurances of safety and informed practice.

This caution is mirrored by potential clients who may have heard about or experienced suboptimal outcomes from personal training. This landscape has highlighted the urgent need for personal trainers who are well-versed in injury prevention and understand how to apply rehabilitative insights to enhance fitness and strength training safely.

Such knowledge empowers trainers to provide workouts that are not only effective but also tailored to safely meet each client’s physical needs, preventing injuries and promoting long-term health. This approach places a premium on education and practical application, ensuring that personal trainers can fill the gap between general fitness and supportive, health-focused exercise regimens.

personal trainer clearwater

A Comprehensive Approach to Personal Training and Fitness Education

Patty’s course addresses the critical need for a deeper understanding of safe exercise practices within the fitness industry. This comprehensive curriculum goes beyond traditional training methods like lifting weights or counting repetitions; it delves into understanding the human body, recognizing signs of strain and stress, and adapting exercises to meet individual needs safely.

This training is crucial whether you’re working with a rehabilitating athlete or a senior aiming to maintain mobility. It equips you with the necessary tools to effectively serve a diverse client base, emphasizing injury prevention and the safe enhancement of physical capabilities.

Elevating Personal Training Standards

By enrolling in this course, you’re not merely boosting your qualifications—you’re contributing to a shift in the personal training paradigm. You’ll emerge as a leader in a new era of fitness professionals who prioritize safety, personalization, and holistic health alongside physical strength and endurance.

This course aligns with the mission to “advance and integrate scientific research to provide educational and practical applications of exercise science and sports medicine.” By joining us, you elevate your career, broaden your client base, and position yourself as a trusted authority in a sector increasingly intersecting with healthcare.

Patty Durell, LPTA, CCS - Self Health Expert and Visionary in Fitness and Physical Therapy

Patty Durell, LPTA, CCS

Self Health Expert and Visionary in Fitness and Physical Therapy

Meet Patty Durell, a seasoned expert who has been at the forefront of the fitness and physical therapy integration in Florida since 1995. As a Master Level Personal Trainer, Certified Conditioning Specialist, and Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant, Patty brings a unique blend of clinical expertise and fitness instruction to her role.

Patty’s career began more than 27 years ago in the realm of physical therapy, where she specialized in helping individuals recover from significant health challenges. Recognizing the essential link between recovery and long-term physical strength, Patty expanded her scope to include personal training. Her approach isn’t just about recovery; it’s about building enduring strength and wellness.

She established her personal training business to provide a continuum of care post-therapy, initially focusing on clients transitioning from medical treatment to regular fitness routines. Over time, her client base broadened to include everyone from fitness novices to professional athletes, all benefiting from her holistic approach that combines rigorous health science with personalized fitness coaching.

Elevating Health and Fitness Education

Patty’s expertise perfectly embodies the mission to “advance and integrate scientific research to provide educational and practical applications of exercise science and sports medicine.” By bridging the gap between physical therapy know-how and fitness training, she enhances the quality and safety of fitness programs, ensuring they are not only effective but also tailored to promote optimal health and prevent injury.

Joining Patty’s course means not just enhancing your training capabilities but also embracing a comprehensive approach that respects the interconnectedness of health, wellness, and physical fitness. Her pioneering work continues to inspire and equip fitness professionals to serve a broader demographic, ensuring high standards of care and fostering a healthier community.

patty durell ceo of rock solid fitness

Why Learn from Patty Durell?

Patty Durell brings a wealth of experience and credibility to her role as an educator. With extensive media exposure through TV, magazines, and podcasts, she has been a vocal advocate for merging fitness with scientific understanding. Patty’s contributions extend into academia as well, where she’s a recognized expert at institutions like Saint Petersburg College and Keiser University, guiding the development of future fitness professionals.

In 2012, Patty took a significant step by founding Rock Solid Fitness. Starting in Clearwater and soon expanding to a larger facility in Dunedin, her facility is renowned for its personalized approach and adherence to scientific principles in training. Rock Solid Fitness stands out for integrating the latest research in exercise science with practical, client-centered training techniques.

Patty’s unique combination of physical therapy expertise and fitness knowledge positions her at the forefront of the industry. Her course, “Evidence-Based Best Practices for Health and Fitness Professionals,” is designed to equip personal trainers with the tools to enhance client safety and performance through a scientifically supported approach to fitness.

Choosing to learn from Patty means committing to a higher standard of personal training, where the focus is on safe, effective, and evidence-based practices. Patty is dedicated to elevating the personal training profession, preparing you to meet the challenges of a dynamic fitness landscape and to succeed at the highest levels.

Beyond the Classroom: Enhancing Your Personal Training Career with a Physical Therapy Perspective

Applying Physical Therapy Principles to Personal Training

Patty Durell often highlights a common challenge in her role on college advisory boards: students complete their education rich in theoretical knowledge but lacking the practical skills needed, particularly in applying physical therapy principles to fitness training. This disconnect between academic learning and real-world application represents a significant barrier to fully leveraging their educational background in their professional careers.

The Ideal Solution for Practical Application

To address this gap, Patty has developed the course, “Evidence-Based Best Practices for Health and Fitness Professionals – Bridging the Gap Between the Physical Therapy Perspective of Safety and Personal Training.” This course is thoughtfully designed for fitness professionals seeking to deepen their understanding without the financial and time commitments typically associated with further formal education.

This training goes beyond traditional learning paradigms by focusing on the practical application of physical therapy safety principles within the context of personal training. It’s about making the transition from theory to practice seamless and effective, enhancing both trainer competency and client outcomes.

Empowering Fitness Professionals with Advanced Skills

Participants in this course will not only learn theoretical concepts but will also engage in hands-on applications that bring these concepts to life. This approach ensures that fitness professionals are equipped to integrate therapeutic insights into their practice, thereby elevating the standard of client care and advancing their own professional development.

By enrolling in this course, fitness professionals are taking a proactive step toward bridging the gap between static textbook knowledge and dynamic clinical application, making them more competent and confident in their ability to support a broader range of client needs.

lower back workouts

Why This Course Is a Game-Changer

This course challenges the notion that advancing your professional education must come with a high financial cost. We provide comprehensive insights into integrating safety practices from physical therapy into personal training, offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional academic courses. This approach aligns with the mission to make educational and practical applications of exercise science more accessible and impactful.

Through this course, Patty Durell translates her vast experience into practical skills that bridge the gap between academic theories and real-world application. The curriculum is designed to directly apply scientific research, ensuring that you gain hands-on experience in using physical therapy principles to enhance fitness training effectively and safely.

Integrating physical therapy principles into your personal training regimen does more than just enhance your service offerings; it sets you apart in the fitness industry. This unique skill set equips you to meet the growing demand for fitness professionals who can offer more informed, health-focused training programs. By completing this course, you position yourself as a leader in a field that values comprehensive, scientifically-backed fitness strategies that prioritize client safety and health outcomes.

Grow Your Fitness Career with Patty Durell

Join us for this transformative course and begin revolutionizing your approach to personal training. Under the guidance of one of the industry’s most respected professionals, you’ll learn how to incorporate the principles of physical therapy into fitness training. This course serves as a gateway to a more impactful and fulfilling career, ensuring the health and well-being of your clients are prioritized. It’s designed to align with scientific advancements and practical applications in exercise science and sports medicine, enhancing both your knowledge and operational capabilities.

Take Action: Elevate Your Training Expertise

Seize this opportunity to enhance your professional skills with practical knowledge derived from physical therapy. This course will not only expand your understanding but also enable you to apply these principles in a fitness context, effectively bridging the gap between personal training and comprehensive health care approaches. Register now to redefine your career path, setting yourself apart as a fitness professional committed to evidence-based practices and the holistic health of your clients.

Empower Your Personal Training Career in Just One Day

Time is a precious commodity, especially in the fast-paced world of fitness and health. That’s why “Evidence-Based Best Practices for Health and Fitness Professionals” is designed to deliver intensive learning efficiently. This transformative course, conducted over a single day, is structured to elevate your skills swiftly and effectively, without disrupting your life or career.

An Investment in Your Future for $199 (Special Promo: $139)

Investing in your professional growth has never been more accessible. With an introductory offer of $139 (regular rate of $199)—this course is a cost-effective step toward substantial career development. We commit to providing exceptional value that goes beyond the financial cost, offering a comprehensive educational experience that transforms your approach to personal training and client care.

Intensive Learning

Under the expert guidance of Patty Durell, you will immerse in a curriculum that bridges cutting-edge physical therapy safety practices with advanced personal training techniques. This synthesis not only adheres to but also promotes the mission of advancing scientific research and practical application in fitness training.

Immediate Takeaways

Participants will leave the course with actionable insights and ready-to-implement techniques that enhance both the quality of service provided and client outcomes. These practical takeaways are designed to immediately integrate into your training routines, ensuring that you can apply learned concepts without delay.

Healthy Lunch Provided

To maximize your learning experience, we provide a healthy lunch to keep you energized and focused throughout the day. This ensures that all participants are fully engaged and can absorb the valuable insights the course offers.

A Wise Investment for a Brighter Future

This course represents more than just an educational opportunity; it’s a strategic investment in your future as a fitness professional. Equipped with practical knowledge, expert guidance, and a certificate of completion, you’ll distinguish yourself in a competitive industry. The skills acquired in this concise timeframe have the potential to expand your client base, enhance client satisfaction, and elevate your career to new heights, fully preparing you to meet the evolving demands of the fitness and health sectors.