Fitness Training: Personal Training Services vs. Working Out Alone

Long-Term Benefits of Strength Training

Sometimes, it’s nice to just have a little space and be by yourself.

But is when you’re working out a good time for that? Or is it beneficial to sign up for personal training services?

Of course, whether you choose to work out alone or with a personal trainer, the big thing is to make exercise a priority in your life, and then stick with it consistently. Without that commitment in place first, nothing is going to work.

So with that in mind, let’s take a look at a few different benefits to using personal training services, and see how working out alone compares.


Sustaining an injury while working out will put a sudden halt to any benefits you hoped to achieve from your exercise program. “First do no harm”, as they say.

And when you utilize the services of a personal trainer, their job first and foremost is to make sure you don’t hurt yourself. They can see things that you can’t see yourself about your exercise form and make corrections as needed. They can spot you on free weight exercises. And they can help you keep your ego in check and make sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew in your workout.


It’s way harder to justify blowing off a workout if you’ve already paid for personal training services in advance, and you know if you don’t show up you’re not getting a refund and are therefore throwing money out the window.

When you know somebody is at the gym, holding a clipboard, and waiting for you, you’re more likely to go, even on the days when you don’t feel like it. And you can’t get results if you don’t show up for workouts!


Are you one of those people who goes to the gym and just does their favorite few exercises? Or picks something easy on those low motivation days?

That’s a big area where signing up for personal training services can be beneficial. Your trainer will make sure you’re performing the exercises you need, and keep your routine well balanced.

Sometimes, with the best of intentions, we can be our own worst enemies. A good personal trainer can save you from yourself.


Some days, you just don’t feel very Olympic. The nice thing about having a personal trainer is that you don’t have to psych yourself up to get a great workout – you just have to show up and do what your trainer says.

It’s consistent effort that pays off when it comes to exercise, not a superheroic effort done only once in a while. Let your trainer help you stay motivated and keep coming, so you can reap the rewards.


Unless you are in the fitness profession, a well-educated personal trainer is going to know more about exercise than you do.

Don’t just keep mindlessly going to the gym doing the workout routine you did back in high school. Or worse yet, trying to copy what somebody else in the gym is doing, because they look better than you.

Choose a well educated, experienced trainer to coach you, so that the time you spend in the gym actually pays off in the form of great results.


By now hopefully, you can see that investing in personal training services has many benefits that you can’t get when working out alone. If you’re going to put in the time and effort to get into great shape, it just makes good sense to have an expert coach in your corner.

If you’re considering a personal trainer in Dunedin, make sure you try before you buy. Rock Solid Fitness offers a complimentary initial consultation and workout experience. To schedule, CLICK HERE

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