How To Stay In Shape While Gyms In Tampa Bay Are Closed

gyms in tampa bay

Gyms in Tampa Bay during COVID-19 fight: what you should know

On Friday March 20th Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ordered all gyms in Tampa Bay, and throughout Florida, to shut down.

The move was part of an executive order that also mandated all restaurants and food establishments in Florida to suspend on-premises food and alcohol consumption, effective immediately. Kitchens can remain open for delivery and take-out services.  DeSantis also ordered all bars and nightclubs to close.

In the executive order, the reasoning offered for closing gyms in Tampa Bay and throughout the state is that “the State Surgeon General has advised me that gyms and fitness centers are establishments that attract gatherings of more than 10 people and are more susceptible for spreading COVID-19”.

What does the World Health Organization (WHO) say?

In a video broadcast live from WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, WHO’s Dr. Rosamund Lewis addressed a question about the risk of working out in a gym.

Her response was that the “important thing is not to worry over much about this”, and advised observing “standard precautions” in order to protect against infection, including keeping more than 1 meter (about 3 feet) distance between people, and diligent hand washing as the best defense.

“If you’re working with the gym, that’s fantastic, it’s great for your health, keep it up”, Dr. Lewis said.  “Just keep your hands clean and don’t touch your face, go straight to the locker rooms afterwards and clean up, and then you’ll be fine”.

What should you do?

Right now, gyms in Tampa Bay are closed for the foreseeable future, so fitness enthusiasts are forced to find other methods to stay in shape.

These include training at home on your own, trying various virtual training options available online, or just taking a break from training altogether (not recommended).

In the end, each trainee has to decide what’s best for them.  Safety first!  We wish you the best during these difficult times.

Remember, after every winter comes spring – we will make it through this, and be stronger than ever in the end!

Rock Solid Fitness is open, and compliant with all CDC guidelines.

  • No more than 2 clients and coaches on the gym floor at a time
  • 6 foot distance between all people at all times
  • We check everyone’s temperature, have them fill out a questionnaire and use hand sanitizer when they arrive 
  • We clean each piece of equipment right after you use it
  • All surfaces disinfected throughout the day

If your gym is closed and your fitness level is going down the drain, why not give Rock Solid Fitness 30 minute workouts a try? Contact us today for personal training in Dunedin.


  • Must be new to Rock Solid Fitness

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