Can You Out Train a Bad Diet?

can you out train a bad diet

Can you out train a bad diet?

Everybody knows exercise burns calories, and that if you take in too many calories you’ll get fat.

So if all that is true, can we just workout enough to burn off all the extra calories we take in when we over-indulge?

In other words – can you out train a bad diet?

In theory, yes.  As a practical matter in real life, it’s practically impossible.

We recently did a demonstration for our good friends at Great Day Live Tampa Bay, Channel 10, to illustrate how insanely difficult it really is if you think you can out train a bad diet.  We pitted Coach Mike, armed with a white mocha frappacino and a double smoked egg bacon and cheese biscuit, vs. Coach Cara, who rode the air bike at the top speed possible, against each other in real time.

(The results were hilarious – check them out in the video below)

So here’s a rundown of the calorie firepower in Mike’s little snack, which can easily be consumed in 10 minutes:

White Chocolate Creme Frappacino = 380 calories

Double Smoked Bacon Egg and Cheddar Sandwich = 500 calories

Total = 880 calories

On an Air Bike, such as Cara is using in the video, burns about 12 calories per minute at 60 RPMs.  In the video, you can see Cara is really pushing it, and she is at 63 RPMs.  So to burn off the equivalent of Mike’s breakfast snack, she will need to maintain that brutal pace for 73 minutes straight.

Regular human beings probably aren’t going to be able to do that, and even if they could physically, who’s got the time?  Are you really going to go straight to the gym and do that every time you have a frappacino and a breakfast sandwich?  Or are you just going to go straight to work and sit at your desk for the next 4 hours?  You can see how this is problematic.

The more efficient – and of course healthier – way to go about things is to make better food choices.  Go for foods high in nutrition and low in calories most of the time, and save the over-indulging for special occasions infrequently, as a treat.

You’ll feel better, live longer, and save time.

So check out the crazy video below, and get this one memorized – 

Can you out train a bad diet? NO!!!

Rock Solid Fitness offers nutrition education programs to compliment our unique 30-minute workout programs.  As always, your Initial Fitness Consultation and Workout Experience is free!  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Here’s the calories in vs calories out video of the “Fitness Friday” segment of Great Day Live on Channel 10

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